Young fan loses name-change bet thanks to Mix Diskerud's debut New York City FC goal | SIDELINE

Two Mixes? Young fan loses name-change bet on Diskerud's first NYCFC goal | SIDELINE

There might be only one Mix Diskerud, but there could soon be two Mixes.

Diskerud scored the first goal of New York City FC's history on Sunday, hitting a beautiful curler that nestled into the bottom far corner in a 1-1 draw with Orlando City SC. The goal will go down in NYCFC history, but it could soon be remembered for another reason.

It turns out an 18-year-old fan named Ross MacDonald took to Twitter to make a wager last Thursday, saying that he would legally incorporate "Mix" into his name if Diskerud scored NYCFC's first goal. Well, as Diskerud pointed out Sunday, it's brainstorming time for MacDonald.

How's Ross MixDonald sound?