Sporting Kansas City's Dom Dwyer crashes Sports Illustrated photo shoot starring Sydney Leroux | SIDELINE

SKC's Dwyer crashes Leroux's Sports Illustrated shoot | SIDELINE

Dom Dwyer and Sydney Leroux star in Sports Illustrated photo shoot

Dom Dwyer has never been one to shy away from the cameras.

So there was no way he was missing out on his wife’s big session with Sports Illustrated. The Sporting Kansas City striker, who is married to US national team forward Sydney Leroux, crashed her photo shoot for this week’s Sports Illustrated cover featuring the USWNT.

Dwyer, in full SKC attire, even brought along the couple’s dog, Boss, clad in a Stars-and-Stripes jersey.

And the photos had all the flair one would expect from the larger-than-life Dwyer and the charismatic Leroux.

Sporting Kansas City's Dom Dwyer crashes Sports Illustrated photo shoot starring Sydney Leroux | SIDELINE -