New York City FC's David Villa takes on Man City's Sergio Aguero in blindfolded PK contest | SIDELINE

Villa vs. Aguero: Star strikers go head-to-head in blindfolded PK contest

David Villa all smiles, New York City FC

Close your eyes. Set up some dummies. See how many penalty kicks you can sink.

New York City FC recently wrapped their preseason camp in Manchester, but they couldn’t get out of England without Designated Player David Villa taking on Manchester City’s star Argentine strike Sergio Aguero in a PK challenge.

Of course, no spot kick contest between two of the best strikers in the world would be complete without the little twist eluded to above. To make things a little challenging, each player had to take their kicks wearing a blindfold, with the opponent setting up three dummies in the net in an attempt to block the other player’s shots.

Who won, you ask? Well, that's the whole point of watching the video. No hints here.