
MLS St. Louis shares fan suggestions for new name before brand reveal

Lazer Snakes, anyone? STL shares fan suggestions before brand reveal

St. Louis – MLS expansion announcement – posing with scarf

The upcoming St. Louis MLS club will have their brand reveal Aug. 13, giving fans a first glimpse at their new name, crest and colors. Ahead of the big moment, club brass asked fans to give their input and suggestions on what they'd like to see. The resulting submissions have provided for some grade-A content.

The club's Twitter account shared some of the most eccentric ones. They might not win the final sweepstakes, but it's hard not to imagine the possibilities of the "St. Louis Lazer Snakes."

"Kicky McKickerton's Football Club" isn't half bad either, especially with that logo. The submissions generated so much discussion online that St. Louis followed up with a few more that wound up in the discard pile.

Credit to whoever came up with "Louventus" even if it's not the final winner. We'll see if the club can top any of these when their brand reveal takes place in just over two weeks!