Jurassic World star Chris Pratt warns Steven Gerrard about LA, sings a song for Frank Lampard | SIDELINE

Jurassic World star warns LA-bound Gerrard, sings Lampard a song | SIDELINE

Steven Gerrard (December 2014)

LA Galaxy Designated Player Steven Gerrard will be making his long-anticipated move stateside soon, and one star from another realm has some advice for him.

Chris Pratt, formerly a co-star of the sitcom "Parks and Recreation" and now a full-blown movie star, gave the Liverpool native a tip in a recent interview while promoting his upcoming blockbuster, "Jurassic World."

"I tell you what, Steven, if you're coming to LA, once you get there you're going to see a ball of fire in the sky," Pratt joked to Match of the Day magazine. "Do not be alarmed. It's called the sun. It's not going to kill you. It's just going to mean great weather all the time. Enjoy yourself, buddy. Look me up when you get there and I'll buy you a drink."

When the interviewer pressed Pratt about Gerrard's complexion perhaps not entirely suited to the Southern California sun, the actor doled out even more advice: "Is he pasty? Yeah, you're going to need a lot of sun block!"

While Pratt noted his favorite sport is American football, he did say he had watched the Galaxy play during David Beckham's tenure with the club, and his assessment of the former DP was, "I haven't spent a lot of time with him, but I imagine he smells pretty good."

The "Guardians of the Galaxy" star also sang a song about another MLS-bound Designated Player, Frank Lampard, on his promotional tour: