Houston Dynamo players get DaMarcus Beasley in brilliant #TBT prank | SIDELINE

Echoes of '02: Dynamo players get Beasley in brilliant #TBT prank | SIDELINE

Houston Dynamo defender DaMarcus Beasley goes up for an aerial

The grief from the infamous 2002 US national team photo shoot lives on.

DaMarcus Beasley was the most recent target, this time in a brilliantly executed #ThrowbackThursday prank.

Beasley’s Houston Dynamo teammates donned specially made T-shirts mocking the pre-World Cup promotional shoot from all those years ago, featuring the then-young left back in a regrettably seductive pose, hands behind head, lying on the pitch wearing a deep V-neck and gold No. 7 chain.

The shirt was left hanging in his locker for Beasley to find, and the USMNT veteran was nothing but a good sport as his teammates made sure they made the most of the well-played social-media prank, posing for plenty of photos.

May 14, 2015

Of course, that photo shoot has been subject to relentless and ongoing scorn, even inspiring a long-form analysis done on ESPN’s Grantland just two years ago.

May the lampooning never end.