Frank Lampard: I will start playing for NYCFC this summer

Lampard releases statement to address recent "lies and nonsense"

New York City FC midfielder Frank Lampard smiles during interview

Fed up with what he calls “lies and nonsense” being reported about his current situation and playing status, Manchester City star Frank Lampard released a statement on Friday, declaring that he will indeed join New York City FC in the summer.

Lampard has been with Manchester City since the start of the English Premier League season, after leaving Chelsea last summer and announcing that he would begin playing for NYCFC in 2015.

But a few weeks ago, on December 31, Manchester City announced that Lampard would extend his stay at the Etihad Stadium and would join NYCFC in the summer. Reaction to the news included disappointment from the NYCFC supporters, confusion over whether or not Lampard was on loan with Man City, as previously thought (he wasn’t), and whether or not he would ever arrive in the Big Apple.

“I want to make it completely clear about my situation as I have read a lot of lies and nonsense over the last few days,” Lampard said in his statement. “When released from Chelsea last year at the end of my contract I signed a commitment to play in NYCFC for two years starting January 1st 2015. I was then offered the chance to train and be part of the Man City squad in the interim to keep myself in the best shape going into New York.

“This period has since been extended by Man City and I now will start playing for NYCFC at the end of this current Premier League season. There has always been a constant dialogue between all parties in this time to find the best solution for everyone.”

Lampard is now expected to meet up with his NYCFC teammates as soon as the MLS summer transfer window opens on July 8. His first match, therefore, is potentially July 12, at home against Toronto FC.

“I can say that I am very excited about arriving in New York and giving everything to the team to make us a success in the MLS as soon as possible,” Lampard said in his statement.

“Thanks everyone for your ongoing support and I wish everyone a healthy and happy 2015!”