Columbus Crew SC spent their two-hour rain delay like champs – Header Challenge champs | SIDELINE

SIDELINE: Crew SC kill time like champs during two-hour rain delay

Columbus Crew SC celebrate during CLBvCHI

Columbus Crew SC and the LA Galaxy had to wait two hours to kick off their match at MAPFRE Stadium on Saturday night thanks to severe storm systems thundering across central Ohio, the latest in a spate of weather delays in MLS match play this season.

Those occasions force everyone involved to manage extended periods of downtime – and if you've ever wondered what the players are doing while holed up in their locker rooms during those delays, Columbus Crew SC's Hector Jimenez provided an amusing window into it via Instagram on Sunday morning.

Coaches often prefer to have their squads remain focused on the game, even as they twiddle their thumbs for hours on end – FC Dallas and Toronto FC had to wait some 200 minutes to complete their game on April 18, for example – and Crew SC kept mentally sharp by taking part in what Jimenez dubbed “Header Challenge.”

What's more enjoyable about this clip: The sight of a cooped-up team working together to achieve a collective (if minor) goal, or Crew SC's surprisingly delirious celebrations when the challenge was won?